
Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Summer Projects

Tomorrow I take my last two final exams of my college career. Friday, I move. A week after that is Commencement.

Over the next year, there will be more changes, including applying to and then sorting out the logistics of various graduate programs as well as one of the more important Presidential elections I've seen. But the summer stretches out before that, before any decisions need to be made, with only work as a necessary draw on my time.

So I'm going to write. And knit, of course, but that list of projects isn't relevant here. What I hope to write:

  • at least one essay as Emah
  • finish Silver In The Sun
  • finish rewriting the werewolf thing
  • finish the Regency polyamory
It's a short list, but they're mostly long projects, and it'll be satisfying to have them done.

What are your writing goals for the summer?

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